08 June 2008

The Problem With Corn

A fairly recent article called "Grains Gone Wild" by Paul Krugman in the NY Times Opinion section briefly outlines the problems facing the world's food supplies; and, as no shock it has a lot to do with oil prices, the shortcomings of corn-based ethanol and the effect of global warming across the globe.

Whether or not you agree, the idea of gas prices raging as more and more catastrophic weather events rage and financial distress from the top to the bottom in the U.S. feels like a perfect "storm" that will not pass for some time. The US dollar continues to lose value while Americans are forced to pay $4 for a gallon of gasoline--caused by our dependence on personal vehicles, a lack of infrastructure to support mass-transit and the "American Dream" requiring one to live in a box in the suburbs.

It is time to take a good long look at what we are requiring from our leadership, what they are promising to deliver and if they have the competence to actually deliver. No longer should politicians be able to make headline-grabbing statements with little to back them up-a la corn-based ethanol's ability to fill American's gas tanks.